MSPA Upcoming Events

MSPA Match Panel: Family Medicine
Please join us for the third of our 2024 Match Panel series! We will have several MSPA members joining us to discuss matching to family medicine programs as LGBTQ+ applicants. Use the registration link below to get the link to our Zoom webinar.

MSPA Match panel: OB/GYN & Internal medicine
Please join us for the second of our 2024 Match Panel series! We will have several MSPA members joining us to discuss matching to OB/GYN and internal medicine programs as LGBTQ+ applicants. Use the registration link below to get the link to our Zoom webinar.

MSPA Match Panel: Anesthesia & Surgery
Please join us for the first of our 2024 Match Panel series! We will have several MSPA members joining us to discuss matching to anesthesia and surgical programs as LGBTQ+ applicants. Use the registration link below to get the link to our Zoom webinar.

LGBTQ+ Health Journal Club: PTSD Among LGBTQ People
The MSPA Research and Analytics (R&A) Committee is excited to invite you to our next LGBTQ+ Health Journal Club on Tuesday, November 14th from 8:30-9:30 PM Eastern Time. We will be discussing the article “Post-traumatic stress disorder among LGBTQ people: a systematic review and meta-analysis”, published in Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences. This is a systematic meta-analysis of literature published before September 2022 looking at the rates of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in subgroups of the LGBTQ community compared to non-queer controls independent of type or intensity of trauma history.Please register for November’s journal club and feel free to invite your friends, colleagues, classmates, and mentors to join our discussions!
Sign up here for the Zoom link.
American Society of Anesthesiologists URiM Student Mixer
MSPA, along with other medical student minority groups, is hosting a happy hour social for medical students attending the American Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting in San Francisco on Saturday, October 14th at 5 PM (Pacific time). See RSVP form (below) for address and more details!
This event is hosted in partnership with the American Society of Anesthesiologists Medical Student Component DEI Working Group (ASA MSC), Association of Native American Medical Students (ANAMS), Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA), Student National Medical Association (SNMA), and Women in Anesthesiology (WIA).

GLMA Conference on LGBTQ+ health
Save the date! The GLMA 41st Annual Conference on LGBTQ+ Health is happening virtually between September 28-30. MSPA is partnering with GLMA to offer MSPA members a 20% discount on registration.

Out in medicine welcome back panel
Happy back to school! Join MSPA Regional for a welcome back panel on Wednesday, September 27th at 8 pm ET discussing what it is like to be out in medicine. This is for all medical students in all regions! Please submit your questions ahead of time at: We hope to see you there!

LGBTQ+ Health Journal Club
MSPA's bimonthly LGBTQ+ health journal club will begin on September 12th!
We will be discussing the article “Medical Mistrust Among a Racially and Ethnically Diverse Sample of Sexual Minority Men”, published in LGBT Health this year. This is a mixed-methods study exploring the health-related beliefs and experiences of young sexual minority men of different races in New York City, focusing on mistrust of the medical industrial complex.
Sign up here for the Zoom link.

Pride Meetups (New York, NY; Denver, CO)
Join other LGBTQ+ medical students in your region to grab a caffeinated beverage, connect with community, and celebrate pride! Please visit for more information and to let us know you can make it!

Pride Meetups (Columbus, OH)
Join other LGBTQ+ medical students in your region to grab a caffeinated beverage, connect with community, and celebrate pride! Please visit for more information and to let us know you can make it!

MSPA Match Panel
MSPA Match Panels
Sign up to be a panelist or to join and listen! May 3rd, May 17th 8PM Eastern, We're expecting perspectives from: EM, Psych, OB/GYN, Peds, Family Med, Med-Peds, Anesthesiology, Plastic Surgery (so far)

Deadline to apply: funded CURED Documentary screening with live Q&A in Fall 2023!
MSPA Chapter Opportunity: Host a funded CURED Documentary screening with live Q&A in Fall 2023! Applications due May 15th.
The producers this award-winning PBS documentary about the history of medicine & LGBTQ Equality are launching an in-person screening tour of US Medical schools! Apply today!

MSPA Match Panel
MSPA Match Panels
Sign up to be a panelist or to join and listen! May 3rd, May 17th 8PM Eastern, We're expecting perspectives from: EM, Psych, OB/GYN, Peds, Family Med, Med-Peds, Anesthesiology, Plastic Surgery (so far)

MSPA Conference 2023
Join us for MSPA’s 2023 Virtual Conference to learn about bridging between healthcare and advocacy through talks and workshops! Registration is open through the end of the conference.

Advocate and Legislate with Representative Taylor Small
Join MSPA on Monday, April 3rd at 8pm ET in honoring Trans Day of Visibility with honored guest speaker, Representative Taylor Small (she/her), the first trans state representative for Vermont! As of March 3rd, a staggering 385 anti-LGBTQ+ bills were introduced across state legislatures in 2023 - that is more than were introduced in the years 2018 to 2022 combined. As daunting as this reality is, we can be part of the change for a safer, more equitable, and more progressive 2023 and beyond.
What You Need to Know About Monkeypox with Dr. Eric Lella, D.O.
Join us virtually on Wednesday, November 2nd at 6PM EST for a discussion on What You Need To Know About Monkey Pox, with Dr. Eric Lella.

MSPA Pre-Med Virtual Mock Interview Week
MSPA Medical Student Members want to help you practice your interviews. From 9/18-9/24 sign up to have a mock interview held over Zoom/video platform sharing app.

BNGAP: BNGAP Health Related Academic Career Development for College and Post-Bacc Trainees
BNGAP regional seminars are OPEN TO ALL but are tailored to encourage trainees (medical students, residents, PhDs) who are underrepresented in medicine (women, LGBTQ, and racial and ethnic minorities) to consider academic medicine careers .

Inaugural MSPA Conference (Virtual)
Join us on April 9 -10th, 2022 as we host our Inaugural MSPA Conference. Come learn what medical students are doing for research projects, take part in workshops to learn about getting into medical school or applying to residency, get some leadership development and learn more on how to do advocacy work while being in medical school. This event will be held virtually and at no cost to pre-medical and medical students.

BNGAP: PREFAC Seminar: Leadership and Academic Medicine
BNGAP regional seminars are OPEN TO ALL but are tailored to encourage trainees (medical students, residents, PhDs) who are underrepresented in medicine (women, LGBTQ, and racial and ethnic minorities) to consider academic medicine careers .

Women in Medical Student Leadership: A President's Day Panel
Join us as six national organization presidents discuss their experiences being women in medical student leadership!

Pre-Med Q&A Drop In Hours with the University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine
Get to know LGBTQ+ medical students, learn about University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine, ask questions about the application cycle & MCAT, and connect with other LGBTQ+ pre-medical students on Monday, February 21th any time between 6-9 PM EST!

Virtual Shadowing with Dr. Carlton Lawrence, MD-MPP
Join Dr. Carlton Lawrence, MD-MPP to learn about his journey into Pediatrics, more about the specialty of Pediatrics, and to discuss a sample adolescent case study. Sign up via the link in our bio under upcoming events!

Pre-Med Q&A Drop In Hours with the University of Rochester
Get to know LGBTQ+ medical students, learn about University of Rochester School of Medicine, ask questions about the application cycle & MCAT, and connect with other LGBTQ+ pre-medical students on Wednesday, February 9th from 7pm - 9pm EST!

BNGAP: PREFAC Seminar: Leadership and Academic Medicine
BNGAP regional seminars are OPEN TO ALL but are tailored to encourage trainees (medical students, residents, PhDs) who are underrepresented in medicine (women, LGBTQ, and racial and ethnic minorities) to consider academic medicine careers .