2021 LGBTQ+ Equity Report Card
2021 LGBTQ+ Equity Report Card
Contact Info
If you have questions, comments, or concerns about the 2021 LGBTQ+ Equity Report Card please contact Austen Ott (austen.ott@medpride.org) and Fae Kronman (fae.kronman@medpride.org) via email and they will get back to you as quickly as possible.
The goal of the LGBTQ+ Equity Report Card is to survey current medical students to collect and share information about safety and support for LGBTQ+ individuals at medical schools in the United States.
Applying to medical school is a complicated process for any pre-medical student, but it’s especially complicated for LGBTQ+ pre-medical students, who might have concerns that cisgender and heterosexual pre-medical students do not share. The project was inspired by the White Coats 4 Black Lives: Racial Justice Report Card and the crowd-sourced Best Medical Schools for Trans and Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC) Health. It was completed by two Medical Student Pride Alliance External Affairs Undergraduate Interns: Leanne Ho (leannekm@gmail.com) and Austen Ott (Austen.Ott@medpride.org). Leanne began this project in 2019 as part of their Point Foundation Community Service Project and passed it to Austen Ott in 2020, who completed the report in 2021.
The Project
Drawing from the GLMA: Recommendations for Enhancing the Climate for LGBT Students and Employees in Health Professional Schools (2013), eleven criteria were established for gauging LGBTQ+ equity at various medical schools. A survey was distributed by the Medical Student Pride Alliance via email and social media marketing and opened to all medical students in the United States. Participants were given the opportunity to respond whether their school exceeded the criteria, fully met the criteria, partially met the criteria, did not meet the criteria, or whether this was unknown. Participants who responded with “exceeds criteria” or “partially meets criteria” were invited to explain their answers further. Data was collected from November 2020-January 2021.
You can view and download a copy of the full report, including detailed institution report cards by clicking the button at the top of the page.