• Photo of a tan skin person wearing a grey knit sweater standing on the lawn of a one-story home in the background. Fall leaves litter the landscape. The person has black hair tied into a knot, trimmed facial hair.

    Harris Qureshi | he/him


    Kansas City University College of Osteopathic Medicine
    Class of 2027

    Harris is a medical student at Kansas City University College of Osteopathic Medicine. He completed his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in biological chemistry and biological and organic chemistry at the University of Toronto, Canada. As an aspiring family physician, Harris is interested in providing trauma-informed, intersectional primary care for 2sqtbipoc communities, and 2SLGBTQ+ survivors of interpersonal violence. Harris is a hobby comic artist and spends time visioning graphic medicine as a tool for queer medical education transformation and knowledge translation.

    You can contact Harris by email at

  • A circular picture of a white person with shoulder length brown hair pulled away from the face. They have blue eyes and brown glasses, and are standing in front of a fence and the leaves of a tree.

    Jackie Emathinger | she/they


    Oregon Health & Science University
    Class of 2026

    Jackie is an MD/PhD student studying Physiology and Pharmacology at Oregon Health and Science University. Her interests include LGBTQ+ advocacy, reproductive justice, sexual and gender-based violence, and narrative medicine. In her free time, Jackie attempts to placate her high-energy puppy, reads a lot of mostly sad, dark literature, and plans out her next tattoos.

    Jackie can be reached by email at

  • Mizan Gaillard | SHE/HER


    Oregon Health & Science University
    Class of 2028

    Mizan is an MD/PhD student studying Behavioral Neuroscience at Oregon Health & Science University. Her main interests include health equity and justice advocacy, particularly optimizing healthcare for traditionally marginalized populations, and improving mental healthcare for adolescents and emerging adults most at risk for psychopathology. When not doing research, clinical or advocacy work, Mizan is probably training on any aerial apparatus she can get her hands on, listening a podcast or trying a new recipe.

    You can contact Mizan by email at

  • A smiling white person stands in a forest. They are wearing glasses, a green beanie, a grey puffy coat, and a t-shirt that says 'Protect Trans Kids'. Their hair curls at shoulder length.



    Athena graduated from SUNY Albany in 2020 with a B.S. in Public Health. Two years later, they graduated from the Center for Disease Control's Public Health Associate Program, where their work focusing on harm reduction and substance use prevention. They are currently President of a nonprofit that focuses on transportation justice, where they created a Free Bike Program and a Gender Equality Mechanics night for women, trans, and nonbinary community members. Their research interests include trauma-informed care, trans-affirming care, and community based prevention. In their free time, Athena likes to attend Critical Mass bike rides, climb, and backpack with their dog.

    You can contact Athena by email at