[ALT ID: Watercolor rainbow background with a headshot of Dr. Carlton Lawrence, MD-MPP, with text saying "Virtual Shadowing Dr. Carlton Lawrence, MD-MPP (he/him) Pediatric Medicine Resident Thursday 2/10/22 7-8PM EST]
Carlton Lawrence, MD-MPP, is a resident physician in pediatric medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. After growing up in rural Maine, he completed his undergraduate studies at Duke University before receiving his medical degree from Harvard Medical School and his Master in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School. He is a former Fulbright Fellow and has held positions with organizations including Children’s Rights, Ariadne Labs, and Vot-ER. His interests lie in the intersections of health, policy, and equity, with a particular focus on the ways in which racism and discrimination harm children. His previous work has focused on normalizing civic engagement in healthcare spaces, elevating the voices of LGBTQ youth, and combating stigma in the medical community.
Join Dr. Carlton Lawrence, MD-MPP to learn about his journey into Pediatrics, more about the specialty of Pediatrics, and to discuss a sample adolescent case study.