Continued Anti-Transgender Legislation in the United States
March 1, 2022
MSPA chapters, members, partners, and supporters,
Last week, Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, directed the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate gender affirming care for transgender youth as child abuse. If followed, this egregious attack on transgender and non-binary youth would have disastrous effects on youth as individuals and on their families.
In contrast to what Gov Abbott’s statement suggests, overwhelming evidence shows that access to hormone therapy reduces the risk of depression and suicide for transgender youth, both of which are at an increased prevalence compared to cisgender peers due to social stigma and economic hardships faced by transgender individuals.
In June 2021 the Medical Student Pride Alliance (MSPA) National Leadership Team (NLT) released a statement on Anti-Transgender Legislation in the United States. Since then, anti-transgender legislation has continued to flood the United States with attacks on the bodily autonomy and safety of transgender individuals and the safety and livelihood of transgender youth.
As an LGBTQIA+ medical student organization, many of us have lived the reality of being a transgender and/or nonbinary child in need of love and support. Some of us were lucky enough to have it; others were not. Our collective childhood experiences and knowledge of healthcare demands that we condemn this attempt to disrupt and penalize the support system of transgender and nonbinary youth who have it.
As the future of LGBTQIA+ healthcare, the MSPA NLT stands strong alongside transgender and nonbinary youth in Texas and across the country who are facing these political attacks. Moreover, we stand strong alongside the national and international evidence backed standards of care for transgender and nonbinary youth put forth by national and international organizations, including the Pediatric Endocrine Society, the American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics. We remind parents, caregivers, community leaders, and healthcare providers that according to the ACLU of Texas, Governor Abbotts’ statement does not hold legal power and does not require your compliance. We encourage you to visit Resources for Transgender Youth in Texas to learn about transgender rights and advocacy in the state of Texas, find local mental health resources, and LGBTQIA+ community organizations who need your support to ensure continued provision of gender-affirming care. We also encourage you to use the MSPA template to send Texas Governor Abbott a letter opposing the violation of transgender individuals’ rights, including those of transgender youths. You may copy and paste the letter or attach it as a file with your information in an email to publicrecords@gov.texas.gov. Anyone can email regardless of state residency.
We recognize that the current battle with anti-transgender legislation extends far beyond the state of Texas. You can find additional state-specific anti-transgender legislation and legislator contact information via the National Center for Transgender Equality - State Action Center and the Freedom for all Americans Legislative Tracker: Anti-Transgender Legislation.
If you are a member, chapter, or supporter of MSPA and need additional support, please do not hesitate to reach out. You may contact us via email at mspa@medpride.org, on social media, or via our website.
The Medical Student Pride Alliance National Leadership Team